Committee Chair/Office | Name | State Email |
990 Forms | Wendy Baker | Envelope |
Adopt-a-School | Tonya Lewis | Envelope |
Amicae Affairs | Weldina Condee | Envelope |
Audit Committee | Tamra Perkins Brenda McKinley |
Envelope |
Autism Awareness | Natasha Wedderburn | Envelope |
Awards | Sonia Williams | Envelope |
Budget and Finance | Charbet Duckett | Envelope |
Budget and Finance Committee | Jannina Bryan Dana Farrakhan |
Envelope |
Cancer Prevention and Awareness | Vacant | Envelope |
Chaplain | Avonda Thompson Moore | Envelope |
Chapter Management & Development | Josalyn Bryant | Envelope | Chief of Staff | La'Shelle Page | Envelope |
Demographics | Lisa Simpson Smith | Envelope |
dFree | Shan-Nel Simmons | Envelope |
Domestic Violence | Aisha Hilliard Tameka Bullock |
Envelope |
Elections Committee Chair | Lisa White | Envelope |
Elder Care | Stephanie Hill | Envelope |
Event Planner | Vacant | Envelope |
Executive Assistant | Lisa Nixon | Envelope |
Executive Assistant | Tyla Yancey | Envelope |
Finer Womanhood | Deborah Savage | Envelope |
Grants & Sponsorships | Dottery Washington | Envelope |
Healthy Living/Zetas Have Heart | CasSandra Dorsey | Envelope |
Historian | Dottery Washington | Envelope |
Legacy | Willa Watson | Envelope |
Legal Council | Arlinda Clark Aisha Hilliard Aisha Clarke Johnson |
Envelope |
Life Members/Doves | Patricia Twitty | Envelope Envelope |
March of Dimes/ZPAP | Elizabeth Kemp Caulder | Envelope |
Member Services | Willa Watson | Envelope |
Mental Health | Kimberly Yancey-Johnson | Envelope |
Nominations | Lisa Simpson-Smith | Envelope |
Photographer | Lisa Turner | Envelope |
PR and Marketing | Tannikka Richardson | Envelope |
Print and Electronic Media | La’Shelle Page | Envelope |
Protocol & Amenities | Natalie West-Makel | Envelope |
Reclamation | Alicia Stukes | Envelope |
Ritual and Ceremonials | Sharae Sharp | Envelope |
St. Jude's | Candis Fields-Balogun | Envelope |
Scholarship | Karen Parham | Envelope |
Social Action | LaTonya Ward | Envelope |
Social Media | Josalyn Bryant Renee Stainrod Hanna Savoie Samina Clark |
Envelope |
SOP | Jamie Stanley | Envelope |
State Liaison to the NEF | Dawn Kemp | Envelope |
Stork's Nest | Deborah Lowery | Envelope |
Undergraduate | Michelle Pitts | Envelope |
US Fish & Wildlife | Christina Jacobs Lynn Brogden-Cabell |
Envelope |
Vendors | Nicole Hart Melinda Mack |
Envelope |
Webmistress | Angela Avent LaToya Nappier |
Envelope |
Youth |
Corisa Myers Catrina Springer Vanessa Vereen |
Envelope |
Zeta Male Network | Darlene Battle | Envelope |
Zeta/Sigma Liaison | Ericka Tate-Souvenir | Envelope |
Z-HOPE™ | Corisa Myers Kimberly Whitaker |
EnvelopeEnvelope |