Please reference this page for items requiring action specific to Chapter Presidents

Z-HOPE Awards and Recognition Program
Graduate chapters, Undergraduate chapters, and Zeta Amicae Auxiliaries will be considered for the following awards:
Service Awards: These awards will be presented in three categories: Pearl Service Award, Sapphire Service Award, and/or Silver Service Award for Undergraduates, Graduates, and Amicae Auxiliaries. They will be based solely on verified points awarded for programs reported via the Zeta Service Management System (ZSMS).
Z-Excellence Awards: These awards will be presented in three categories, including Social Justice, Health Justice, and Economic Justice for Undergraduates, Graduates, and Amicae Auxiliary Members. They will be based solely on submitting the written chapter or auxiliary statement.
Zeta Male Network Service Partner of the Year: This award will be presented to one network based solely on verified points awarded for programs reported via the Zeta Service Management System (ZSMS).
The deadline to submit is February 7, 2025. Contact the Z-HOPE team at Z-HOPE@zphibmaryland.org with any questions.

Over 105 years ago, five trailblazing co-eds had a vision for a community-focused, action-oriented organization founded on Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood, and Finer Womanhood principles.
It is symbolic that we take time every year to recommit ourselves and affirm our promise to uphold the principles of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.
We ask that you consider a woman who embodies one or ALL of these qualities and nominate her as your chapter’s or club’s Finer Woman/Amica of the Year. She will be honored at our Finer Womanhood Inspirational breakfast at the Maryland State Leadership Conference on Sunday, March 16, 2025.
The deadline to submit is Friday, February 22, 2025. For additional information, contact Soror/Friend Miriam Williams at FinerWomanhood@zphibmaryland.org.

Chapter Reports
Maryland continues to Move with Momentum by way of our great chapters! Annual reports are a great way to showcase the many chapter accomplishments and the communities we serve. Chapter reports will highlight activity from March 1, 2024 to February 28, 2025.
Please use the attached template to submit your chapter report. Remember to include the chapter’s name on the cover sheet and save the document with the naming convention: “2025 MSLC Chapter Report_CHPT NAME.” Chapters are encouraged to supplement the template and include pictures, milestones, or other noteworthy items. This is your time to shine! Chapter Reports are due on March 2, 2025. A Google link will be available to upload your submission. Direct any questions to Soror Sanai Ray at mdstate.ea.sr@gmail.com.

During the 2025 MSLC, we will recognize and honor our Triumphant Sorors and Amicae during the Necrology Ceremony. We were honored to know them, and they will never be forgotten in our hearts.
Please complete the form for those who transitioned between March 2, 2024, and March 1, 2025, no later than 11:59 PM on March 2, 2025.

Crystal Doves
During the 2025 MSLC, we will recognize our beloved Crystal Doves. If you have any new Crystal Doves from 2024 MSLC to 2025 MSLC. Please complete the form no later than 11:59 PM on February 22, 2025.